I hope you've been enjoying the summer concert series as much as I have! Tonight's concert was ably performed by Answer the Muse. As I sat and enjoyed their music with a fine bottle of red, I couldn't help but think of the juxtaposition of this relaxing moment with what comes tomorrow morning. I'd just had a delicious vegetable-laden dinner at home, and was now kicked back in a beach chair, sun setting behind me and fantastic music in front of me.
As you'd have seen tonight, the park is partially set up for the Cayuga Lake Triathlon. Tomorrow's race takes an army of volunteers to set up, and most of them arrive in the pre-dawn hours to work under the bright lights brought in for the occasion. Tonight, the transition area was quiet. Tomorrow, it'll be jammed with bikes and smiling triathletes from all over.

Empty transition area, but not for long
My wife and I walked over to the shore to take a look at the swim course. The lake was calm, and we hoped aloud that it'd be equally placid tomorrow. We chatted with our neighbors who were taking in the view from a picnic table. A couple from Kansas walked up, eager to check out the swim course. They'd endured a cancelled flight and a drive to Buffalo to get their RV rental, but they were smiling and happy to talk with us about the course. This is one of the most fantastic things about this event: it draws people from all over the world. Connecting with one another over sport is one of the pleasures I truly enjoy.

Transition chute, from swim to bike
If you're around tomorrow and want to check out the triathlon scene, you totally should. Just get there early, since they close the roads near the park while the race is ongoing. If you're there, have fun watching. Smiling. Cheering. Competing. If not this year, maybe next? It's truly a joy to be a part of it, any way you can.